When I first pass by this shop with a queue of about 100 people, it made me wanted to find out what they were queuing for. Cookies. In fact, these are not celebrity cookies or luxury brand cookies. I thought most of you may have never heard of this shop. It is just a high street bakery with only two branches (one in Tsimshatsui and one in Central) and a 5-page website having only couple of photos on each of those pages.
Today when I pass by this shop again, it was midday around 34 degrees Celsius and the queue was as usual – LONG. Each time only around 10 customers were allowed to enter the shop to buy cookies. What made these people to queue under the sun to buy cookies? Certainly I’m not the only one curious about this weird scene. Every time I pass by this shop there were many people taking photographs, although one of the shop posters says ‘photography not allowed’.
The legend did not stop there. The shop had little to no decoration, having
only a stack of cookie boxes at the entrance along with several posters. One of the posters stated their rules of
Accept cash only
Do no accept telephone or
online order
Each customer can only make one
purchase per day (not sure how they monitor this)
Each customer can buy a maximum
of five boxes only
Top notice:
Accept cash only
Middle notice:
Working hours - 10am - 7pm Tue through Saturday, close on Sunday (What about Monday??!!)
Bottom notice:
Price list in Chinese, Japanese and Korean
There were only two core products – 4 or 8
Mix Butter Cookies in large or small boxes.
Small box $65 (320 grams), large box $120
(640 grams).
I have an interesting calculation
here. Assume they can entertain 100
customer per hour and they work 9 hours a day, and each customer buy 5 boxes
averaging $450 sales per customer, their turnover will look like this:
Daily: $450 x 100 x 9 = $405,000
Weekly: $405,000 x 6 = $2,430,000 (assume they work on Monday as well)
Monthly: $2,430,000 x 4 = $9,720,000
A cookie shop has a monthly turnover of close to HK$10 million is really amazing. Would you
consider quitting your job and learn to make cookies?
Hong Kong Travel Blog
Weird Queuing Culture of Hong Kong
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